Project properties

Project properties contain settings for the project.

Path: ProjectView> double-click Project properties> Properties pane

The project Properties pane contains a list of project level user-configurable data.

Basic and advanced properties

Some properties are displayed only in advanced mode. To view all project properties:

Available properties

Property Description
Id Project name (read only)
Full Path Project path (read only)
Project GUID Project unique identifier (read only)

The Version field is available for users to report the project version

+ Runtime

Properties related with the application runtime. See "Runtime"for details

+ Plug-In

Optional modules. See "Plug-in"for details

+ Project

Properties related with the project. See "Project" for details

+ Web

Properties related with the web interface. See "Web"for details

+ Events

Global events. See "Events"for details

+ Regional Settings Definition of date format, list separator, thousand and decimal symbol of number. See "Regional Settings" for details

Project ID, Project GUI and Project Version are available from system variables. See "Default variables" for details.

Change Project Type

Right-click on project properties to quickly open the dialog to change the project type.